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Mercury Goes Direct & Setting November Intentions On Your Twin Flame Path.

Writer's picture: Aldyn RichmondAldyn Richmond

November is seeing some forward-moving momentum energetically for your Twin Flame spiritual journey, with Mercury having gone direct and a lot of emotional healing that came up around the time of the Blue Full Moon in Taurus on Halloween. It's time to set your intentions high and balance your process by choosing to fully ground and integrate more refined harmony into each area of your life.

This can be so simple, and might even look like doing pretty much the same exact things on the outside, but when you feel the meaning behind "going through the motions" it becomes easier to create room to experience each moment with the divine. Even something like doing the dishes can be anything from horrible, to neutral, to an enjoyable experience. Don't be hard on yourself if simple tasks aren't feeling joyful, but don't block your peace and happiness from these simple moments in life, either. See where there is room to go with the flow in your life, oftentimes things that you think you have to, that feel heavy, are not the thing to do in that particular moment, or maybe need to be re-evaluated. Is there an easier way? Why do something in a more complex way than is necessary? It's important to get clear and refine your processes as you go, you might be surprised at how much energy gets freed up to go deeper into healing your Harmonious Union and your life purpose.

Weighing yourself down is poverty consciousness. True responsibilities and commitments that you choose with the divine feel good overall, sure there may be blocks or the way the responsibility looks may change and evolve, but if something you are committed to doing does not feel in tune with your heart, don't be afraid to look more closely and see where something may be calling for change. At the same time, change doesn't mean you need to reinvent the wheel, staples like the Mirror Exercise are safe.

Simplicity does not mean there is no depth, you can go infinitely deep with loving yourself through the easy steps of the Mirror Exercise that Jeff and Shaleia teach. This goes for many things in life, learning and going back to the basics is not only for beginners, it can be for the most advanced as well, so don't let pride get in your way of truly learning and expanding your understanding.

November Intention Setting Activity:

While you are writing down the steps of the Mirror Exercise, you might enjoy this activity as well as a part of setting your intentions for November. I did this recently and found it helpful to attune myself to my goals and desires.

Take something that you desire, could be your Harmonious Twin Flame Union, for instance, and write down how you feel having already attained it (write down your goal in the present tense). Write down how old you are or the time in another format to indicate when you desire to achieve this.

For instance, you can write down "I'm so grateful to be looking out at the view from my 3 story home on the ocean today, in 2021" or "I just love being 25 and the freedom of having my own successful business that helps people every day and fully supports my lifestyle." This is a fun exercise that is in alignment with the Law of Attraction, and you really can't go wrong with it - it helps you get in touch with the feelings behind what you are actually desiring as you write it down and visualize this taking place in your life.

This is a great activity to gear up for Mars going Direct on November 13th in Aries. This will help you with moving forward in your life purpose, applying what you learned about working smarter instead of just harder, and directing your actions towards your passions and what actually feels good both now and in the long run, rather than looking for a quick fix that ultimately is just numbing you out to your true passions and desires. You can revisit themes from this period of Mars Retrograde to see how it has played out for you and reflect to best get clear and utilize what you have learned as Mars gets ready to go direct next week.

Due to the pandemic, all of my coaching packages and first-time Discovery Sessions are currently on sale, for the time being, so be sure to claim your support now. I'm here to support you in transforming on your Twin Flame and Life Purpose journey, and if you are specifically interested in Creative Coaching or holistic wellness I offer that as well. As an example, you may want to improve your art or design skills and work through spiritual creative blocks using the Mirror Exercise, and that is possible as an option in some or all of your sessions. It's up to you how you want to focus your support during each Ascension Coaching Session. I'll be offering some upcoming workshops as well, so be on the lookout for those.

Lastly, I highly suggest checking out the latest edition of Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover by Jeff & Shaleia on Kindle. It's spectacular and heart-melting, and I love the addition of Colby & Keely's story. It will definitely help you clear blocks on your Twin Flame journey, too.

Have a wonderful rest of your November and blessings on your Twin Flame Ascension journey!



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