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Twin Flame Love Connection 💖 3 Card Reading 🔥🔥 Start Your Week Off With Healing

Writer's picture: Aldyn RichmondAldyn Richmond

As the New Moon just happened, it's also the beginning of a new week and the last full week of Aries Season for this year. It's a great time to set your intentions - center them on what you feel most passionate about. If you aren't sure, ground and look for where there is underlying peace, rather than excitement. Peace will guide you to where it truly feels best to focus your energy at this time. When you focus your attention on healing your blocks to perfect Union with your Twin Flame, you'll naturally be cultivating complete peace in the foundation of your life.

This is your healing journey and to help you gain clarity for this week and going deeper with what you are passionate about in your life, I've pulled 3 cards for you. While this is a collective reading, it will also have personal resonance for you, so see what you get from the cards in your heart and how the reading motivates you to set loving intentions in your life and for your Twin Flame Union.

The first card is from the Divine Animals Oracle by Stacey Demarco, the second card is from Eternal Crystals Oracle by Jade-Sky, and the final card is from the Moonology Oracle by Jasmine Boland.

The cards illustrate that clearing out the old will greatly enhance and support the fruition of what you are focusing your loving attention on at this time. Clear out those spiderwebs, whether metaphorically, or literally, or both. The connection between you and your Twin Flame is already complete and perfect, all you are doing is clearing away the illusion that it is not. Rose quartz reminds you that if anything in your life feels unclear at this time, to bring attention back to your Central Chakra: your Heart Chakra. As you allow yourself to both receive and give love that is without limits and condition, you'll also feel a blossoming feeling in your High Heart and continue to magnetize your divine counterpart and purpose in deeply fulfilling ways.

This does not mean that giving and receiving without conditions should be without boundaries. It is your unconditional love that gives you clarity on where and to what extent boundaries are most appropriate for the relationships in your life. The last card indicates that emotions are at the forefront to be healed right now and the New Moon in Aries is a wonderful opportunity to go through deep blocks and release them quickly with the Mirror Exercise. Don't be ashamed if you need to release control, anger, or anything else. It's not the truth of who you are, and it is only in you refusing to look at it, and thus holding on to it, that makes this seriously stupid ego seem like it is a part of your identity. You were created in perfection and as you get clearer on your unique vibration that you naturally come fully alive in, the easier it is to maintain your vibration and see what is out of alignment with it. As you are able to raise your vibe and live as your true self, while also staying grounded, you're going to attract what is in alignment with your heart's dreams and desires.

Also, remember that your Twin Flame has their lessons to work through and experiences to go through to find where you both are vibing in harmony. It's safe to let your Twin Flame feel everything they are meant to. The healing of each of your unique experiences and shared consciousness will contribute perfectly to the foundation of your Union. Trust that God has a plan and don't be afraid to take action as you are guided while focusing on your inner work; your outer reality and inner one are not separate from one and other. You are a powerful creator and manifestor and you can harmonize your Twin Flame Union, and continue to deepen that harmony, it doesn't get boring because it's an eternal relationship.

Take the next step when you are ready. Learn more about coaching and readings: claim your support in true healing.

💖 Enjoy your week!

Twin Flame Angel Tarot Message for the New Moon in Aries:


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