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Writer's pictureAldyn Richmond

🧿✨️Twin Flame Psychic Reading: The Gemini New Moon 🌘 and The First Week of June Energy Forecast

Updated: May 31, 2022

The New Moon in Gemini is giving you space within for introspection, creativity, and healing.

Whether you find yourself having creative dreams that provide emotional healing to your Purpose and Twin Flame Union or find the energy to do something creative like art, writing, cooking, etc., Asteroid Juno of Union and commitment in Neptune squaring the New Moon provides a dreamy way to move through inner challenges.

This Dreamy energy is grounded with Venus and Mercury in retrograde in the Earth Sign of Taurus. With Venus ruling this sign, romancing yourself IS investing in yourself and your foundation; it's not frivolous.

The card pulled for this New Moon in Gemini and this first week of June is Clear Quartz from the Crystal Angels Oracle.

The message is to give yourself space and to find the intrinsic VALUE of feeling your feelings and processing your emotions.

You may have been incorrectly taught to push your feelings aside, but the truth is that you actually lose control of your deeper emotional state when you do not pay attention to yourself; it's in paying loving attention to how you are feeling that real fundamental positive shifts in your vibration can occur.

Clear quartz also reminds you to choose clarity and not shy away from what your intuition is showing you. Schedule or order a reading for further guidance and support. I also recommend learning the basics of your Astrology and Human Design to understand how your energy supports you in manifesting your genuine desires.

The action-oriented energy of Jupiter and Mars in Aries will help whatever needs to get done during the New Moon and the last few days of Mercury in Retrograde until June 3rd to happen easily and with minimal effort. Don't force it, but do be responsible and let your energy flow with your day-to-day needs, tasks, and projects.

Watch the video for further insight and cards that highlight the energy of this week:

Focusing on attuning your vibration and your foundational needs is essential right now to harmonizing your life and your Twin Flame Union into one of love, passion, peace, and prosperity.

● Appreciate where you are choosing to focus on balance and inner peace, it is paying off.

● Keep a faithful outlook for the last few days of Mercury Retrograde and allow opportunities for deeper support to fall into place.

● Be responsible by practicing self-care and investing creative energy into the vibration of what your heart desires to manifest.

Enjoy setting your intentions and romancing yourself during this Gemini New Moon.

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