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Twin Flame Union Card Reading ~ Virgo Season Energy

Writer's picture: Aldyn RichmondAldyn Richmond

Updated: Sep 5, 2020

It's Virgo Season and that means you may be feeling a shift in your energy, even if you aren't a Virgo because everyone has all of the zodiac signs somewhere in their chart. This being said, if you are a Virgo, first of all, Happy Birthday! Second of all if you're a Virgo or have other components of your birth chart strongly associated with Virgo, you may be feeling the shift even more.

Virgo is associated with many wonderful qualities, being grounded, organized, and taking action to create a pure and clean environment are a few known traits. A dedication to the details and service are also admirable Virgo traits. This also means that first, these qualities are brought to awareness within. This is a great time to get clearer on organizing your thoughts and feelings, and choosing to "sort through" them, not leaving anything unnoticed. You can do this by practicing The Mirror Exercise as taught by Jeff & Shaleia, it's all about a simple choice to love yourself and following through with that, no matter what the upset is.

You may have seen a spike in your creative flow during Leo Season, and now it's time to ground this energy through a more orderly approach that allows you to both see elements of the big picture, while also encouraging you to just take that next step right in front of you, one step at a time. Was Mary Poppins a Virgo? Not sure, but I feel like I was just channeling that energy, as if organizing happens at the snap of a finger. So...let it be that easy for you, surrender to how the divine desires to flow through you, and don't hoard your energy. If you feel motivated to do something that will create a positive shift in your reality, go ahead, there's nothing stopping you. This also signals to the universe that you feel abundant and are willing to do what it takes to attract more goodness into your life (like deeper levels of harmony with your Twin Flame, true life purpose, living environment, abundance, and more).

A wonderful next step to take is investing in Twin Flames Universe teachings. This is how you will harmonize your union all the way into perfect union eternally. If this sounds woo-woo, it's actually very grounded and just as much about your physical reality as anything else, like what is sometimes referred to as the 5d. You just do the inner work, and it doesn't matter what your Twin Flame is doing, because it only takes one Twin Flame to heal the separation between you both. If you're aware of the journey, then congratulations, because you have been given this opportunity to harmonize your Union.

When you invest, you're set up with other support, including free coaching and/or readings. You can find more about working with me and what you'll receive for each listed membership and product here. Feel free to get in contact with me if you have any questions at

You can check out everything offered at Twin Flames Universe, here. I recommend the Everything Package, because it includes everything you need to support your journey.

I've also drawn this card for you to kick off Virgo Season and to give you one more reason to invest in, well, the best thing you can possibly invest in for yourself in my humble opinion. The message here is, don't be ashamed or afraid to be seen for who you are and valuing True Love above all else. When you show the world what you value most, it's a big cosmic signal that helps you attract more of what you value into your life, including your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

This card is from Crystal Angels Oracle by Doreen Virtue ~

Amen to revealing your true self to the world. You are beautiful, unique, and loved for who you truly are, not for who you aren't. You are created with a specific soul design and purpose, it's safe to embrace that, and it's also highly magnetic to do so to your Twin Flame.


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